So after noticing the birds starting to eat the black currents. I decided the currents were read for harvesting. I ended up with about 1 kilo of berries after it was processed.
Here is an article on the benefits of Black current, i am most excited about the GLA found in the seeds.
There for i made sure to not heat or separate out the seeds in this recipe:)
I also want to stress the importance of
fat soluble vitamins.
Hence i believe this combination is excellent in bringing the amazing power of black currents to the body. Anyways!
Here i am processing the currents. I would put one stem on and than put my hand down and pull the stem. This was satisfactory
enough for me.
Than they go into my vitamix 3600, which i bought used!!
The results
Now here is the recipe i used. I ended up putting about 3/4 cup of maple syrup in instead of the 1/2 cup. I followed the recipe on the right written in blue pen.
Whipping cream!
Whipped cream mixture with currents mixed in :)
All ready to go into the freezer. We make them in about 2 cup amounts.