Yup, that would make me angry too (
incandescent, or thermonuclear, is closer).
The contractors/subcontractors who do the actual work may be highly professional, or may be the lowest bid outfit that really doesn't give a rat's patoot. I suspect you got door #2. Oy.
But to briefly step away from the
mushroom cloud: as a rule, ultility rights of way allow exactly that -- the razing of anything that interferes with access to the lines. Up here, they come around as a courtesy and work out a plan that is acceptable to all. But they hold the hammer, and are within their rights to mulch/spray the whole zone.
So, to do anything in that zone, you have to play ball and engage with the utility company. If possible, do it well beforehand. It may take some patience to get in contact with someone who has the authority to make decisions.
Then, a permanent note can be attached in the work order system, linked to your property location and address. This will pop up when work orders are issued. Subs usually take these seriously. Signage is likely needed as well.
None of this helps you right now, sorry. But it's sort of how the system works.