An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.
Cristo Balete wrote:Not sure where you are, Braden, but your pond is likely a nighttime home for the native ducks/birds that fly in at dusk and out again at daybreak. Larger predatory animals have probably been coming to it for water, and then for your ducks. Because you won't be raising ducks that can fly and save themselves, the very clever local predators will likely take a real chunk out of their numbers. Ducks and chickens need a serious building to be in at night, at the very least, something with a roof on it that can support the weight of 2 mountain lions = 300 lbs, and have a foundation that is secure enough so digging predators can't go underneath, and raccoons can't reach through 1" chicken wire and kill the ducks.
If you have a flotilla of ducks on a pond it will change the ecological balance of the critters in it, on it and around it. It will have a very high proportion of nitrogen (poop) which will cause large amounts of algae to form. Algae kills a lot of things, including pond critters that keep away mosquitoes. And is not good for the ducks to eat/swallow, which they won't have much choice but to do. During drought years when our pond is low, algae forms despite our efforts, and the native birds do not come to it, they stay away.
Even hawks, turkey vultures, and peregrine falcons who hunt at night, will be thrilled at their addition. Weasels, raccoons, foxes are good swimmers and will just love a duck dinner.
You will be bringing in a lot more predators, which could put your pets/small children/other animals at risk.
They can't be in the water 24/7, so when they are out of the water, different protections need to be in place.
The best arrangement I ever saw was an old cotton gin up on tires that was fitted inside with perches and places to nest, had a solid frame and roof, and they could all be inside it at night. It had ramps underneath it for them to walk up into. It could be towed from location to location so they could feed on different parts of the property. A cotton gin is just a big metal frame, like a small semi trailer with metal mesh siding, a solid floor and ceiling, and a hitch.
Are you sure your ducks won't swim under 1 ft deep fence? I know mallards are considered "dabbling ducks" but I've certainly seem them digging in the mud on shallow ponds and I'm just not sure how deep domestic ducks will go if the motivation is food ( just like a foot high and then with some way of going a foot under the water so they don't swim under it
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Jay Angler wrote:Braden Pickard wrote:
Are you sure your ducks won't swim under 1 ft deep fence? I know mallards are considered "dabbling ducks" but I've certainly seem them digging in the mud on shallow ponds and I'm just not sure how deep domestic ducks will go if the motivation is food ( just like a foot high and then with some way of going a foot under the water so they don't swim under it
Also, although my Khaki Campbells are considered "flight-less" they can definitely helicopter over 3 ft fence and occasionally higher.
What kind of fencing are you thinking of? What if you used something soft which you could weight at the bottom so it would collapse against the mud in the shallows, but hang deeper in deep water? What if in the shallows you used something like portable electric fence posts that you could hook the fencing to? Then in deeper areas, use some sort of floating post? Water polo goals have no under water component, but you could think of ways to adapt that concept.
I do agree that kiddie pools are a lot of work. I use short Rubbermaid stock tanks in the summer and one has a valve leading to two 1 1/4" pipes with holes drilled in them so it becomes a "shower" that waters the grass when I open the valve. Not all the water drains, so I tip the rest out, rinse, move the tank and refill and it is part of my grass watering system. The second tank is in a fixed run which is going to be rehabilitated to have multiple paddocks as time allows. That tank has a very long ABS pipe that I move around my dulcis bamboo patch. This spring I had extremely happy bamboo. Something similar could be done if you had fruit trees to water, although I wouldn't use it on leaf crops. I only use the tank in the summer as we've just got too much water in the winter. Then they get a bucket or two and one larger rubbery feed "bucket" that is big enough for them to get into.
Have you considered extending your pond with a duck specific shallow end? Fence it securely, then plant lots of cattails on the outside of the fence so that they will soak up any nitrogen the ducks are adding? Harvest the cattail greens for mulching?
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
John C Daley wrote:Maybe rethink the kiddies pool.
Stock troughs are available, poly ones can be readily drained and moved.
By using one, you can spread the poop all over .
Paula wrote:A local pond in my area of NC has a large, metal fence/kennel type box anchored to the land and stretches into the water almost halfway. It is open at the water so the ducks can swim in. Sometimes the opening is submerged; sometimes it's above waterline, depending on the rainfall. Waterfowl swim in or under, to get inside. It's really quite amusing to watch. There is a man-sized gate on the rear land side for feeding and occasional cleaning, I presume.
Paula Hall wrote:A local pond in my area of NC has a large, metal fence/kennel type box anchored to the land and stretches into the water almost halfway. It is open at the water so the ducks can swim in. Sometimes the opening is submerged; sometimes it's above waterline, depending on the rainfall. Waterfowl swim in or under, to get inside. It's really quite amusing to watch. There is a man-sized gate on the rear land side for feeding and occasional cleaning, I presume.