Hahaha mission creep is my go to buzzword around the office! It's a very real problem is a professional sense and the reason 75% of crap doesn't get done around here. If you don't have a clear defined end state then how do you know when you get there? How do you know how much (time, effort, materials) to focus and where?
Anyways, for all that I am the worst example in my own life and on my own property.
Wood shed isn't finished because now it's a water-collector and a lumber rack as well. Skirting around the house isn't done cause, "what if I use scrap lumber from the old shed...) and on and on. My garden beds this year would have been a lot better if I would have written down a plan and stuck to it. Instead of constantly coming up with "great ideas" and just let them be. On the bright side, I have done exactly that for the upcoming season and I got a line on some corrugated roofing to pick up this afternoon, hahaha.
A well developed plan is good. Changing a plan that isn't working is good. Constantly improving or expanding on a plan in progress is bad.
My mission has actually contracted somewhat. I started out rarin' to be 100% self sufficient in as short a time as possible. Then I hurt myself, became more realistic about my property, and realized how poor I was... Still working towards the goal but my mission has become "become MORE self-sufficient" as opposed to "become self-sufficient". I am actively trying to set smaller targets and one by one hammer them into dust as opposed to one big target that is hammering me. This
thread has been well-timed, I just made all of these promises to myself within the last few weeks, hahaha.