Hey everyone, I am new to Permies and I want to introduce myself and ask for an opinion. My name is Vase Angjeleski, I am from Macedonia, now renamed in North Macedonia, however, an amateur gardener interested in
permaculture, silvo-pastures etc. My question now would be, and I apologize if there already is answered, if I grow lets say white clover in a no-till garden, and just transplant the plants, like tomatoes, peppers, cabbage etc. will it work? I mean, will they grow, will they have any use of the nitrogen fixed from the clover in the soil? My plan is to grow white clover, before I transplant the other vegetables to mow the clover on that piece of
land where the vegetables will be transplanted, and just to transplant the other vegetables, sothat they grow together, the vegetables and the clover, and never to till the soil, just to mow and transplant the vegetables needed. Any opinion on this plan of mine?
I thank you all in advance.