i have the DIG 710AP timer for misting cuttings. it's good because it can do short duration mistings (5 seconds) and short intervals (5 minutes), which is nice because with regular garden timers it's easy to both overwater cuttings every time you water them and also dry them out by going too long between mistings (say a duration of 1 min every 20 mins).
if you don't have water pressure but do have electricity, i would get a pump and a pressure tank and set up a small pressurized system just for the cuttings and use a good misting timer. Off-the-shelf 120v or 220v outlet timers that can do custom short intervals are kind of hard to find, but they are easy
enough to build with an arduino and some relay boards. if you want to go arduino route, then you can avoid the pressure tank and just set a timer where you switch the pump on/off at whatever interval you want.
if you want to go super lo-tech, you could set up a water drip that drops from a decent height onto a hard surface that causes a splash that "mists" the cuttings. Kind of like what plants growing next to a waterfall would
experience. Like each drop of water would splash on the cuttings in the immediate vicinity. A slow drip could be set up with a needle valve, or several.