Hello All,
Thanks in advance for any assistance both now and in the future! I've gotten good info here for years, when a forum post came up in Google, etc., but this is my first time registering and asking a question of my own.
Background (you can totally skip this if you're not curious haha): We moved into a new house last April. One of the first things I did is plant a couple table grape vines on the corners of the broad side of the shed. I had intended to build a nice wooden pergola between them early this Spring; unfortunately, given the cost of lumber right now, I'm going to take a cheaper option - a
cattle panel arch. It will be something like 8-10' across and 4' deep. I plan to put a bench under it, and I've built
raised garden beds around where the arch will be, such that it will be really pretty to look at from the house, and even better as a place to sit and enjoy the garden view.
Anyway - I'm having a hard time finding any specific info on how to prune grapes vines grown on an arch, pergola, etc. to maintain good fruit production in this less orderly but more aesthetically pleasing approach. I understand the basic premise of how/why to prune grapes; I've grown just one vine before and used a simple kniffin-ish approach. I feel like this has to have come up before - could anyone direct me to an article or forum post on the subject? Any info would be very much appreciated! Thanks for your time.
Actually, one more question - in your all's opinion, will 2 grape vines be good
enough coverage for an arch of the size I described? I've purchased some cool seeds from Experimental Farm Network that might be good additions to fill it out more, if appropriate - Hablitzia ("Caucasian Mountain Spinach") and Northern Maypop (Passionflower/Passionfruit). I had been thinking to let one or both of these grow up & along the swing set, but I have been trying to think of other places to put more of them!