r ranson wrote:I would love some thoughts on the busk.
I've read that after it's seasoned, the busk should leap in to place. But I'm having trouble getting it on and off. Arthritis.
What I've done is put some longer laces in so I have more room to work with. But I'm wondering if there's a trick to it?
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
r ranson wrote:
The biggest problem so far is balance. It's been a long time since I have had a supported bust and it does change my centre of gravity - tremendously! It also means I cannot see my feet when going downstairs which ... well, I'm good at falling so I'm not going down any stairs until I can get this balance thing sorted.
Corsets for Swayed-Back Figures. The woman with a swayed-back figure is not difficult to fit with a corset and she need take only ordinary precautions in making a selection. However, if her back is verY much curved and if she is especially flat below the waist line, a small corset pad similar to the one shown in Fig. 1 will prove to be an excellent help. Such a pad consists of a covering of China silk or light-weight muslin, as in (a), and in (b). BY sheet wadding is meant cotton pressed into flat sheets that are about 1/8 in. thick and are held together with a solution that in no way affects the cotton, but makes it very convenient to handle. The pad should be sewed to the underneath part of the corset, so that it will not interfere with garments that are being fitted or worn.
For very slender women whose hip bones are prominent, smaller pads than those just mentioned are very satisfactory. When secured to the inside of the corset, just in front of the hip bones, they give the wearer much comfort, as they tend to lift the corset so that the stays do not press hard on the hip bones. In addition, they serve to make the hip bones appear less prominent.
K Kaba wrote:And it's time to take a serious look at your computer usage ergonomics. Something about the current setup is causing you to compensate with your back.
Every noble work is at first impossible. - Thomas Carlyle / tiny ad
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