We have big stacks of lumber on racks outdoors that were covered with tarps to keep off rain. I hate tarps as they fall apart in sunlight after a few years and also tear easily.
Someone is suggesting we use "panda plastic" which I see is also called "panda film" to cover the stacks instead of tarps. I've never used this material before, but I imagine that like most plastic, it will eventually become brittle and fall apart in sunlight, and may also tear from falling branches and stuff (the racks are under big
trees). Does anyone have
experience with panda plastic or panda film and know
the answer to this?
We want to find a relatively low maintenance way to keep this lumber stored and not rotting. It's almost all old growth redwood which is quite valuable and also rot resistant so it seems possible to store it a very long time if done right. (We use it regularly too). We just don't have an indoor space to store it all. The tarps have worked but they are starting to get brittle and can't keep on like this forever. We could put new tarps on that might last another 5 years.
Pond liner could work for longer, but it's around $1/sqft I believe, which is a lot. I imagine
pond liner degrades eventually too in sunlight, just not as fast as tarps because it's thicker.. so it's probably not any better in the long term.