Hi Mark! This totally makes sense to me. I think you articulated that quite well. I often feel frustration and sometimes anger when I hear those kinds of sounds too. It's a very visceral, kind of primal feeling that usually makes me growl and snarl. I find that helps me a little.
I think T Simpson is right on about focusing on what you can do rather than worrying about things outside your sphere of influence. Worrying about things you can't control is a path to burnout, in my
Seeking a good therapist could be helpful, if that's accessible to you. I go to a therapist who practices Somatic Experiencing and she was the first person I've heard talk about how just being a human in a society that destroys our home is itself a traumatic experience and requires support of some kind. Just hearing that made me feel more normal and she has helped me a lot to stay in a place where I can actually help be a steward of the planet rather than get bogged down in anger and frustration at the humans. A lot of the work she does with me is connected to nature. Not sure if that's a theme that carries across therapists who practice that?
The Earth herself is a great ally and support in dealing with these things, I've found. Even something as simple as going outside and standing or sitting on the ground and really feeling into that support and massive
energy can help me. Or going and finding a spot to sit for even just a few minutes and observe your surroundings with all your senses. Just taking time to connect with the earth and your body. I find when I do this, I usually feel guided as to what might be most helpful for me to do to help the Earth. At the very least, I feel calmer and more grounded.
I've really enjoyed a book called "To Be Healed by the Earth" by Warren Grossman, Ph.D. It has lots of exercises like that as well as general ways to maintain good emotional and energetic health. Plus lots more. I would highly recommend checking it out.
I've found this song helps me move through these sort of feelings.
It also helps me have some compassion for people who I see acting in destructive ways. I imagine they're really stressed out trying to survive in this society and it's hard to think about how you're affecting others when you're in survival mode. Not that that excuses it, just makes it easier to understand.
I hope you're able to find some support around this. It's not easy to deal with and we're not meant to do it alone!