In preparing the
wood to build my house, I recently discovered you can get the bark off a tree cut in late winte/early spring quicker and cleaner by peeling it instead of using a drawknife, which leaves me with intact sections of bark, instead of loose shavings, which leads me to the question:
What can you do with pine or spruce bark?
The bark, while still green, is sturdy and flexible. I'm curious what transformation it will go through with time + drying, and if there are any ways to prepare it for some other uses. I've heard birch bark was used to line the bottom of sod roofs, and I'm curious if anyone knows of what properties these other common tree barks have.
I've read here and there spruce bark can be used for
medicinal extracts, I'm guessing, similar to the use of willow bark but I haven't found *how* it's prepared for that.