So, I've got a bunch of scions and some new growth tree cuttings under a clear plastic bin attempting to
root. Not thinking too far past my nose, I put the cuttings in some red, plastic Solo cups so I can't see root growth. New leaves are beginning to form on the scions and the new growth cuttings are turning their few leaves upwards. I believe I have success, but that's a measured guess at this point. This is my first serious attempt at rooting fruit so I'm kinda unsure at what I'm looking at. Nature has a way of throwing so many rights you'll be begging for a left. I am seriously excited about my current rate of assumed success! If more people knew how fun this stuff was there'd be a lot more here!
Assuming all goes well, the planets align and a miracle happens when
should I be thinking about the final resting place for my
trees? Or should they go into a burlap lined 5 gallon
bucket for a year?