I have kind of a problem. Overall things are going well, but anyway long story short I am working for a freind as a
WWOOFER basically even though we aren't signed up with it officially. But I am working on her organic Homestead type deal for the summer here in the Adirondack Mountains for room and board while my wife works as a kayak guide.
The problem is my host has various
gardening problems, which everybody does, like pests, different things not doing well, lack of rain etc. and often she is brought to tears about different things at times. So what I do is lots of research,
Permaculture books from the Library, research on this website and other websites.
The problem is that it seems like the better the solition is I come up with, the more resistant she seems to be to it. Even after she finally gives in and lets me try it and it ends up working. Especially then.
For example she had a problem with her beans and she was really distraught over it. From my research it showed symptoms of potassium defficiency. The older leaves were turning brown and curling on the edges, and they were in a place that gets tilled every year for going on 12 years. Anyway, they looked really bad and weren't growing. So I put potash on there and some mulch and some different things in the mulch that were high in potassium, like shredded banana peels and braken ferns. Anyway the beans showed signs of improvement.
She prefers to think its some kind of weird virus. Because then its like some mysterious thing she has no control over. If its potassium deficiency in her soil, I guess the problem is she feels responsible like she was a bad gardener.
She is open to input, and I have had a lot of leeway. She let me build two heuglecultur beds and I have convincerd her to let me basically muclh everythjing she is growing so she has no bare soil. Basically she resisted that, but gave in finally and now its working really well.
I just get tired from the process of trying to help, since for me its just a learning experiences, There is no final pay off for me as I will be leaving at the end of the summer. Its hard to try and
sell her on stuff, when I am not really selling anything, just trying to solve problems. I've learned a lot from her too though. She has a lot of knowledge and comes from basically the same value system that permeculture springs from even though she never really officially followed it, but ended up doing a lot of the same stuff convergently.
Has anyone else had these situations?
I mean its not like I argue with her about how to do stuff. I simply try to help when she shares that something is not working.