I am very interested in this subject as well. I intend to rotational graze horse with
Problem is that the horse will likely be an "Easy Keeper" which means they will gain weight at the drop of a hat and can founder easily from eating the awesome forage that I am planting out. lol
Another problem is that horses need to eat almost continuously in order to not get ulcers from their stomachs producing a continuous stream of acid... and me having to cut their
feed back too much.
Yes... I plan to use a grazing muzzle as soon as I see it putting on to much weight. Founder will destroy a horse. I am also setting up a massive "Sacrifice Lot" or "Dry Lot" as well for two reasons.
1) It rains a lot where I am at... and my pastures/grass will get destroyed in a single day after one of those major rain events that happen almost monthly year-round around here.
2) A horse's hoof is prone to
water damage.
So... my backup plan is to move the horse up to the 1-acre Dry Lot for the long term if I cannot come up with a way to control feeding/if it becomes an issue. That dry lot is semi-open
canopy but heavily forested with large
trees. The trees help pull out the water and add structure to the soil. It is on a little 2' hill and is the driest place on the property by far. The horse will be able to have a little/minimal fresh grazing in there. At that point, I will be feeding the horse
hay through a eating speed reducing net sack.
The cows will be joining the horse every time we get heavy rain... or during the Winter once the stockpiled forage has been depleted back to 3" or so.