Oh, what a nice
I gave up New Year Resolutions several years ago and instead decided I'd use the new year to learn a new skill. So I'm totally on board with trying to learn new stuff!
I'm sorry to hear about your
chicken injury. At least you've got a good story to tell about it! Ha! But I do hope you heal up.
Today I learned a bittersweet skill: my family took in an orphaned mockingbird about a month ago. It had no feathers. It was a goner if we didn't take it in. So we put it in a 5 gallon
bucket and raised it. We called him/her/it Zipper. I taught it a special whistle whenever I'd
feed it, so she'd associate that particular whistle with food.
She grew, learned to fly, and we taught her to feed herself. She'd spend more and more time outside, but she always flew back to me whenever I gave the whistle. She has a particular chirp that I recognize, so if I called her and she was up in a tree somewhere, she'd chirp at me so I could find her.
Two nights ago, I whistled for her to come in for the night. (She still slept inside for safety.) She called back from the woods, but never flew to the back door. So I figured she was ready to be on her own, but I was worried! The next morning (yesterday), I got up early to whistle for her. She chirped back to let me know she was ok, but she never came for food. I only saw her in passing yesterday as she sat on her favorite perch but flew away if I got too close.
So I'm glad and sad today. I got to rescue a baby bird and it "graduated." It was an interesting month of learning about mockingbird behavior. Honestly, I never cared for mockingbirds. They often dive bombed me if I unknowingly got too close. They are very territorial. But I have a new appreciation for them now that I've been able to raise one.