I ran the ads and .... that was a lot of money with very little in return.
I still think the best thing for nurturing this site is links. So if you have a blog or a web site for your farm or whatever your
permaculture interest is, I would greatly appreciate a link!
You are welcome to make a big ole link fest here from the permies.com forums to your site, I think I've given lots of suggestions on how to do that in
this thread.
Links, links, links, links .... links from sites, from forums, from
facebook ... even from mailing lists ... I think the key really lies in the links!
Plus, I have so many ties between permies.com and richsoil.com, that links to my articles at richsoil also helps permies.com. In fact, 30% of the traffic to permies.com comes from my articles at richsoil.
If anybody has any other suggestions on nurturing this site, I would like to hear it!