Hi Molly. I bought it off eBay. If I remember right it was from New Mexico. Anther thing I plan on using it for is cross breeding. I need to do more research for that. I have been told the air roots still have nodules to attract bacteria to make nitrogen like a legume. This is just something I wanted to study. The black tarp is a prep strip for strawberries in the spring. We prep the year before so we have less weeds and the ground gets warmer quicker. It just so happened to be the best place to take a contrast picture.
We use a huge amount of diversity feeding
chickens. I want to test this and see what it has in it. Our other lines of corn have up to 2% more protein than standard hybrids. They also have a bunch of beta carotene.
I hope others are experimenting with some old lines of stuff too. This year we added, yellow amerenth, and nicotiana rustica to our system too. Amaranth for more amino acids and rustica is for bug control.