Seriously. If I need a new hacksaw blade, I don't want to pay the same price for the blade as for a new saw. The old saw is perfectly good, I just need a new blade!
If I need a new PART, I don't expect to pay the same price as a new unit, whatever that might be. They push the throwaway society, then tell us we need to reduce. Those making a
profit off of the throwaways are the same people pushing "reduce your consumption!" even while they buy mansions and planes and all the STUFF that goes in them.
This morning it was a blade for a pipe cutter. The pipe cutter itself is FINE. But a new blade? More expensive than buying a new cutter. In some cases, several times more. I have people say, "Why save that? You can just buy a new one," and I want to scream at them.
Then they come to me and say "I can't get such and such, do you have..."
Screaming would just wear out my throat and they wouldn't understand why I was screaming.