Hey all! I found a wood frame on the side of the road the other day and am tempted to make it into a diy pin loom (I am an experienced spinner but have no weaving experience!). Does this sound doable? Nuts? Any pitfalls to look out for? Plan B is to use it as a window covering frame so it won’t go to waste in any case.
Old wood is harder to work than new wood, so you might need to look for ideas to discourage it from splitting. Some pin looms just use nails hammered in. You might want to consider drilling small pilot holes just to be extra cautious.
I've been thinking this morning about making one and so I'm doing a little reading. I wonder what makes good pins. Are the heads on finishing nails OK, or would they be too pronounced to slip the selvedge off when done?
Hello Louise - that frame would make an excellent portable tapestry loom.
Continuous warp, then some fancy twining at "bottom" to make a firm foundation to pack wefts against. I fix mine to the table using C clamps. Warning, it gets addictive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahZvoKyCXd8 Hope this link works: Chelsey Bird "How to Weave on a Simple Tapestry Loom a Youtube video.
Life's too short, eat desert first! [Source of quote unknown]
I've been thinking this morning about making one and so I'm doing a little reading. I wonder what makes good pins. Are the heads on finishing nails OK, or would they be too pronounced to slip the selvedge off when done?
Hi Christopher - the smaller the head on the nails the better - I think brads could be what you are looking for - usually used in picture framing.
Life's too short, eat desert first! [Source of quote unknown]
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