I have an idea…
We have a 2” pipeline bringing
water to the house with a combination of
solar pump and gravity. The water comes from a mountain stream and is always lovely and cool.
Reading about old ‘spring boxes’, where food is kept cool by cold flowing water, I wonder if there is a way to take this idea, and modify it so that instead of a spring, I am using the pipe, which then fills a small trough holding bottles of
milk etc, before the water makes its way towards the animals and irrigation.
The water wouldn’t constantly be running, only when I am irrigating or when the animals are drinking lots, so mostly on the hottest days.
How can I make this idea into reality? Would it work if it’s not constantly flowing? And are there improvements that could be made (e.g. thermal mass around it) that would help?
If I got a trough with a hole on both sides of it (with the outflow pipe lower than the intake one), could I have a float valve regulating the intake of the pipe, and the outflow pipe going to irrigation and animal water, and would that work seamlessly
enough to run a garden sprinkler, or is that going to stop and start all the time and cause problems?
Has anyone considered or tried this kind of idea before? How did you/would you go about it? Does anyone know exactly what fittings I’d need?
Pipe is currently 2” poly, with a ball valve and a 1/2” fitting on the end of it.