Hello to all! I am after some help and really struggling to find an
I live in sunny (damp) England and a couple of years ago we bought our home, a circa 1810 built
Cob Mid Terrace house, it's a lovely home in a great location but we are having terrible problems with mould and condensation under the master bedrooms bay window.
The problem became worse once we had secondary glazing installed as the building is listed we were not able to install double glazed units to replace the single pained sash windows. This has been a god send for noise, I'd argue the 6.8mm thick Glazing is much better than a normal double glazed units!
However this has left the master bedroom being a lot less ventilated at night and as a result e now get a lot more condensation under the window. No where else in the house just the master bedroom where we sleep at night.
I have tried a dehumidifier machine which we leave on through out the day and also have a normal silca gel dehumidifier container in the corner, these do get a lot of moisture out of the room, but the problem persists.
I have also tried using a DPM Paint (Dulux Moisture Primer) on the wall under the window, but that has not helped other than its now easier to wipe the mould and water/condensation of the wall.
So we are now a bit stuck, not sure what to try next.
I had a builder come round last year to inspect some damp by he front door and he basically said for this issue that as its cob there will be no modern damp roof
course and that you will have to live with damp, most people board out between the outside wall and leave an air gap, which is what I have seen people mention, which is what has been done downstairs, but as damp naturally dries after 1.2m or so, if I were to board out under the window in the bedroom would this help with the issue we are facing?
Any input is appreciated on this issue or links to articles that may help also.
Thanks in advanced, I'm off to read some more of this great forum!