Remember that fun post about what you just can't grow? I'm there, and one of my challenges is carrots. So easy, soft well drained soil,
water, easy right? Not for me. If they germinated, most of the time they would hardly grow, most would die, or just kid of just sit there. The few I managed to grow tasted terrible, very bitter! A sensible person would give up. Every growing season I try again and again different types, different soil, containers, water more, water less. Different organic fertilizer, you name it I have probably tried it. This year the carrot gods smiled down on me. I threw some rainbow carrot seeds in a large pot that had a dormant Dahlia. Sprinkled some
compost on top. Watered when I watered everything else in the garden. Lots sprouted. At this point the dahlia is up and blooming. Those poor carrots are getting crowded. I knew the carrots wouldn't be very big, but thought I'll give it a try. I kid you not best carrot I have ever had. So sweet. I tried another, not a fluke super sweet. I was so happy. They are not very fat, and only about 4" long, but I don't care. The fact it tastes good makes me a happy girl. The weather has been super strange for our area, so I may never be able to do this again, but you know I will still be planting carrots.