Hello all! We've been trying to start our homestead in SW Missouri for almost two years. We feel very blessed that we purchased our 40 acres before the big hike in prices in our area. Still, it's been quite the
experience! We've hit snag after snag, mostly dealing with access issues -- since last summer, we have been trying to find someone to install a new MoDot approved entryway (we are on a rural highway, which is turning out to be a big hassle). Everyone is either too busy (one guy gave us work dates for 9 months, only to have something come up every time), or they are charging exorbitant prices (one guy gave an estimate four times that of his predecessor, who was too busy). We would do it ourselves, but the MoDot requirements are out side our skill set!
In the mean time, we are planning to use a very small, old entryway. We are tired of waiting, so we are going to camp on our property while working on a
shower house and then a bunk house. We cannot get a well rig into our old entryway, so we are thinking of temporary alternatives.
Are shallow
wells an option in this part of the Ozarks? We are about 40 minutes from Springfield. We have looked at sand-point wells and other hand-dug options. We are wondering if something like this could work for now? Or is the
water table to low? We are in a lowish-area -- we get quite a bit of flash flooding in some areas of our property.
We also have a spring that has been running ever since we bought the place. Would it be simpler to pursue developing the spring?
Any advice would be appreciated! We have been working toward this dream for years and years, long before these crazy times started! Now, it seems more important than ever, but also more difficult. Still, with God's help we will make it work!