I have a 16 acre piece of
land with a small cabin and a few outbuildings on it. The land has about 4 acres of flat (flat for the mountains), cleared pasture and the remaining 12 acres is forested but gently sloped. The land borders my larger 30 acres property where my partner and I are just getting started with our own
permaculture design, house building, and general establishment for us and our family (current and future). My dream is to find someone who would take on this 16 acre plot and turn it into something
sustainable and beautiful. The land hasn't been used for anything sustainable and I want it to have a new life but we just don't have the bandwidth to do it ourselves.
I would start the agreement with a 5 year lease (with the right person). If everything goes smoothly there is the option of extending that lease into a 99year lease or even a lease-to-own situation. The most important factor is that whoever ends up on that land shares most of our values and cares for the land as we will care for ours.
If you or anyone you know might be interested just drop a comment! I can provide pictures, details, and discussion about options.