If most of the worlds food is produced on small farms to begin with, that means there is a network of farming and distribution that permaculture systems should have no trouble fitting into.
It means that the small amount of land one permaculturist can work is a significant part of the food system, and that permaculture techniques should be able to successfully compete against the methods that are currently feeding the world.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Abraham Palma wrote:
Probably a mix of techniques is what lies ahead. Forestry is low yielding but very low working, and this decreases the ratio of farmers. Small farming is low cost and works fine for most vegetables and poultry. Gardening is also low cost and very efficient in space and resources, but it's time consuming (it's great as a hobby though).
Abraham Palma wrote:A fellow in the forum once told me that all that equipment is only needed when you want flour for baking. Grains can be harvested, roasted and eaten whole, and it's nutritious and healthy
God made a world of reason as sure as God made little apples (as the beautiful proverb goes); and God did not make little apples larger than large apples. It is not true that a man whose apple-tree is loaded with apples will suffer from a want of apples; though he may indulge in a waste of apples. But if he never looks upon apples as things to eat, but always looks on them as things to sell, he will really get into another sort of complication; which may end in a sort of contradiction. If, instead of producing as many apples as he wants, he produces as many apples as he imagines the whole world wants, with the hope of capturing the trade of the whole world – then he will be either successful or unsuccessful in competing with the man next door who also wants the whole world’s trade to himself. Between them, they will produce so many apples that apples in the market will be about as valuable as pebbles on the beach. Thus each of them will find he has very little money in his pocket, with which to go and buy fresh pears at the fruiterer’s shop. If he had never expected to get fruit at the fruiterer’s shop, but had put up his hand and pulled them off his own tree, his difficulty would never have arisen. It seems simple; but at the root of all apple-trees and apple-growing, it is really as simple as that.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
Watchya got in that poodle gun? Anything for me? Or this tiny ad?
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars