I've had that happen with a few tomatoes, but certain ones did stand out for their ability to sprout in our spring weather which has late frosts, hot days and cold nights, and extreme drying winds.
Matt's Wild cherry is one of those, it sprouts totally like a weed. It makes a little bitty tomato, but you can pick whole racemes of them at once, at least. Everyone who tried it described it the same way - the most "tomatoey" tomato I've ever tasted. Like it is the concentrated essence of tomato flavor. It's really different than anything I've eaten before.
But my favorite self-seeder right now is a variety of Principe Borghese, a sauce/drying tomato the size of a large cherry tomato. Also good fresh and in salsa. I say a variety because it's a little different. It's indeterminate, and most PB sold are determinate. I also looked up PB on some Italian sites and learned that PB is a
landrace variety of it's own. Hence some variability.
I'm in the third year of growing this variety of PB; it seeds on it's own and I don't have to start any indoors if I don't want to. They sprout early and are very vigorous, and survive a mild frost in both spring and fall. I have named them Rodeo Frost for this reason.
They are very drought, heat and bug tolerant, but they did succumb somewhat this year to an unusually wet summer. Some sort of blight, but I don't know which. It killed one of the "PB Rodeo Frost" plants, but only mildly affected the other Rodeo Frost. So I better save some seed from the producing one!
I was also growing some tomatoes with known tolerance to: Early blight, late blight, alternaria blight, septoria leaf spot, alternaria Stem Canker, Fusarium Wilt 1 & 2, Gray Leaf Spot,
Root Knot Nematode, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Verticillium Wilt 1 & 2.
All of those tomatoes were very damaged, so maybe this issue was something different? I know little about tomato diseases, as I rarely encountered them in the PNW or the desert SW.
I'm growing one tomato that did survive the blight of this year unscathed - Wild Galapagos cherry, a different tomato species, S. cheesmaniae. It's delicious, a yellow cherry tomato, and I'm guessing it will be a self-seeder. But that's a guess...
Article about Wild Galapagos tomato from Terrior seed, being grown in salt water experiments
As for a big tomato that comes up very well on it's own, Thessaloniki. It's a Greek open pollinated slicing tomato that is heat tolerant, has a nice flavor with good sweet- tart balance, and sprouts somewhat vigorously, though not like Matt's Wild Cherry. I had my first tomatoes of the year from a Thessaloniki volunteer that came up in the
greenhouse and produced tomatoes in May. It also sprouted in the outdoor garden, and is now producing again.
I'll be posting my seed share list later this year, and I'll put some of these tomatoes on there. Or reach out to me direct if interested in a swap.