Hi Mike;
You can build a 5-minute riser in... well about five minutes.
A 6" riser uses an 8" pipe with 1" of Morgan super wool on the inside.
A lot of folks have trouble locating heavy fire bricks. Most are not looking in the correct place.
I can tell you that out here in the sticks I pay just over $2.00 each brand new for full thickness F.B. as many as I want.
Box stores will not have them, and
wood stove stores will not have them, Both might
sell a 5 pack for bunches of money but there are better places.
I don't know exactly where you live but being back east there are big and bigger cities not that far away.
You need to locate a masonry supply house. All big cities will have one. They will sell
concrete blocks, decorative stone, and clay building bricks, And they will sell full fire bricks and split fire bricks and probably carry fire clay as well.
Check around you might find a road trip in your future...
Or you can order Morgan super wool from me.