My wife and I bought a piece of
land that we are currently developing (slowly) into our little slice of
permaculture heaven. The land is fairly far north, zone 4a, Canadian zone, and small, 3 acres. There are mostly balsam fir, maple and poplar
trees with beaked hazelnuts and chokecherry bushes in the few breaks of sun. I love trees and I want more of a variety on it so, I planted some white pine seedlings, two four year old Korean pines and some seedlings of those as well, along with pin oaks and
black locust. My neighbour says I am probably wasting my time as oak and pine will not likely grow there. I did my research and found that the soil conditions were favourable to those trees. Still, I am wondering if maybe he is right and I am wasting my time and the trees will not do well.
Any thoughts?