Hello, this is my first post to this forum. I like it
alot and there is so much collective information and expertise. I currently use a small
wood burning stove to heat my house and although it heats the house, it consumes alot of
wood and I can tell it is not very efficient. I really like the
rocket stove design and would like to build one but I expect to
sell this house in a year or 2 and I dont think most people around here would even understand what the thermal bench was and it wouldnt appeal to them. Just like our culture, looks are more important than function ... which is sad, but it is the way things are now. Nevertheless I would like to use this design so I have come up with an adaptation of the existing design and I would like you guys to give me your opinions on it and see if there are any weak points or any room for improvement. My goal here was to make this thing lite, cheap and removeable. I would use
2 - 55gal drums,
1 - 35gal drum,
one single barrel burner kit
some sections of flue pipe for the j tube and inner riser tube
some larger tube for the outer riser tube
all fitted and welded together. I would probably make the exhaust / flue make a few turns in the house before going into the chimney adaptor and notice everywhere there is a common area like the common cavity inside the 35 gal drum, but inside the 55 gal drum, there would be pearlite insulation packed in the space to act as insulation for the firebox and the heat riser.
On another note, I designed an oil burner a few years ago for my biodiesel setup that is instant on and unclogable, it uses just about any type of oil and produces alot of heat, if you guys are interested, I post diagrams, pics and plans here. Thanks for any help