Tanzanian hive looks similar to a Layens or improved Layens horizontal hive. We have a guy in Missouri that designed that, he’s from Russia and has a PhD in AgroForestry from University of Missouri.
Those hives look like the ones a group of us in the Kansas
City Freedom Cell are planing to build this coming spring, along with swarm traps. Natural bee keeping sounds like the best way to go, catch natively adapted bees, use horizontal hives, deep frames, and the bees stay much calmer. Far easier to check the hives one frame at a time, less chance to crush a bee… also, Dr Leo promotes leaving
enough honey for the winter plus an extra month, never feeding sugar water, and also paint each hive differently so it’s easier for the bees to verify they are returning to the correct hive! No more field of cloned white vertical hives…
Excited to get started this year.. I wish you great success and enjoyment! Oh yes, if you check out Dr Leo’s website (horizontalhive.com) he does have free plans to build hives, stands, frames, even beehive beds!