Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
"People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe."
Andy Rooney
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
S Rogers wrote:I'm working on adding some fruit to my urban homestead. We want our "yard" to be full of food. So we are trying out some fruit tree guilds and other intensive intercropping strategies.
So far I have an established italian plum tree, a very sad blackberry bush that may not be coming back, 2 raspberry bushes, a baby fig tree and a red currant bush.
I'd like to bring in mulberries, gooseberries and blueberries.
Do you have a favorite berry bush that works in zome 6a?
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Barbara Simoes wrote:I just re-read the post about wanting to try goji berries...they are quite brambly from what I've read, and yes, I believe they all have thorns, require a male and a female, and many say that they taste like tomatoes that are starting to rot...I would be leary of planting them. I had them on my original "possible" list, but they were culled pretty quickly! Here is a video that talks about them: (Goji starts at about 4:30.) Like he said, some people like them dried; I was at the local co op and tried some dried ones, and they were pretty good, but I don't know if they were sweetened or not. Still, I think other fruit might be better.
If you like strawberry rhubarb pie, try blueberry rhubarb (bluebarb) pie. And try this tiny ad:
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