If you just have extra seeds lying around, no harm in trying. Maybe you get lucky with a few.
I doubt many seeds would germinate and then also grow on top of wood chips without soil mixed in. It is really going to depend on the seed, though. Very large seeds like sunflowers may have the stored resources to put a
root all the way down through to soil. Smaller seeds, if they germinate, are less likely to survive in straight wood chips. There’s not much available nutrients at the top of wood chip pile. Seeds that
land on top of the chips may not be able to root, or may dry out completely on sunny days. Seeds that fall down under the top layer of chips may no have strong
enough sprouts to push out from under the top wood chips.
If these are North American wildflowers, then many of them may take more than a year to establish, so possibly you could have some seeds putting down
roots the first year, and getting established enough to push up through the chips the second year.