Good for you!! Some of my earliest memories are of visiting an auntie (the neighbor who raised my mother) and picking things in her garden and riding my wee bike among enormous tomato plants. It's so nice to show kids this stuff and maybe light some sparks that will motivate her later.
Your garden is gorgeous.
Today was on and off rains and temps in the low 60's so much time was spent indoors doing crafts and playing games and making ice cream. When it let up, we checked on the garden and picked more berries.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Another day of spotty on and off showers so we opted to take a field trip back in time to ride a real coal fed steam engine into camp 5 logging camp. It was very kid friendly and hands on (and fairly priced)
Going on a rainy Thursday meant the place was pretty much empty so she could see it all.