Hello S Bengi. Great forum, here. Very interesting topics and what a great group of people.
I'm concerned with energy production at the individual level and not the industrial level because industry already could provide the majority of our energy needs from clean, renewable sources if they chose. They choose not to do that, so it's up to us to meet our own energy challenges at the individual level.
Heck, 3/4 of the earth is covered in
water; oceans of constant movement. Most of our energy needs could be met with power plants generating energy from the waves and currents in the ocean. Deserts are another place a signifigant amount of power could be generated. Imagine the power from a solar gasifier (concentrated sunlight) that turns municipal garbage into producer gas. Less in the landfills and serious energy to
boot. But, they simply don't do this on a large
enough scale to matter. Heck with them.
Fuel alcohol could have a place in our transportation energy needs, if the
feed stock is a non-food crop and if renewable energy is used for distillation, I think.
Methane is another homemade fuel that can meet cooking needs and possibly refrigeration/ AC requirements. Absorpsion refrigerators/chillers might be powered with homemade methane. It might also be used as the energy source for fuel alcohol distillation.
Gasification has huge potential for active home power. It needs to be easier to operate and capable of gasification of feedstocks other than
wood before its adopted on a wider basis. But, it's possible to meet those challenges, so it is definitely something to work on. I'll share and explain my attempts.
Wind is another to work on. There is a way to generate electricity from lower speed breezes, or more specifically, changes in wind speed. I'll be bringing this up in time
Bio-briquettes have a lot of potential, especially in areas without abundant supplies of wood. Heating & gasification are two promising applications.
There are just so many exciting opportunities. Better still, folks here are actively implementing these technologies in their daily lives. I couldn't have asked for a better place to learn and share.