clue #1
sunday AM I was watching goats and drinking just a bit of
coffee when they all suddenly spooked, and ran back to the house. the dogs started going ballistic also. I watched and saw two black critters running down by the
pond. ack. must be the neighbors lab and some other dog. they were out of sight quickly. grrrr.
clue #2
went for a walk on our 'trails' to check the
deer feeder. deer feeder is destroyed and all the corn is gone. no pony prints but I reasoned that the ponies must have decided to wander out here as even if the goats ever did (they don't) they wouldn't have destroyed the feeder. ponys scratching their butts on it or fighting over bits of corn might have.
clue #3
gee those dogs must have had a heck of a time this morning. every ten paces on the trail there is another spot all torn up. they must be young dogs.
clue #4
oh look. a cloven hoof print. looks a little odd. toes are tighter then normal deer and the partial print shows an edge more rounded then typical. maybe its an older deer or one that had some nutritional deficiency (looking back...DUH!)
clue #5
geez. those stupid dogs pooped everywhere.! my old cody dog was like that. never neat piles. lots of little poops everywhere so it was a pain to pick up...
Big DUH moment........
uhmmmm there is the neighbors wild hog pen.... "do you think he sold a few?" ..."I dunno...maybe he butchered them......" then we both looked at each other "#$%^&*@#^" they are loose on our property! sure enough....we found them sleeping a moment later near the pen of their buddies. they spooked and went running off down the trail.
it is amazing. they couldn't have been out more then 3 days. but all the digging and damage and
poop was fresh. it has been rainy so its easy to tell. I don't think they were out more than a day.
I now have first hand
experience with what these menaces can do. this is two young/small wild hogs. the black "dogs" I saw were mostly likely these two pigs this morning. maybe on their first stint after escaping or being released. their pen is remarkably solid. double fenced and utilizing stock panels. it shares a
fence line with us. can't see how they got out. maybe he was tired of feeding them. released some. maybe the males. I don't know.
i do know now after looking at the OK dept of wildlife website that once they are out 5 days we can shoot them. and that is what we intend to do.