As a former homeschool mom, these things were constantly on my mind. When my kids were inspired and enthusiastic, they were motivated and they learned. When they weren't, they didn't.
I'm going to start with "educate." There's a homeschooling meme that says
"Education is not the filling of a
bucket, but the lighting of a fire"
Inspiring others is to light that fire. I think the teacher's or leader's own enthusiasm is key here. People want to do and be part of what others are excited about. Good teachers and leaders model what they want to see in others. Bossy people tend to be resisted.
Empowering to me means equipping. It results in the confidence to go out and try new things.
Education is the process between the two. It's not listing facts and figures, it's an introduction to the tools, skills, and resources available, and the practice of how to use them.
At least, that's what I've come up with.