posted 6 months ago
Here in Maine that tree is known as the brown ash, but it is the same tree (Fraxinus nigra). Baskets made from it are a big part of Penobscot culture, a native group here. And sadly, the emerald ash borer is likely to take all the ash trees. I have been making brown ash pack baskets for 20 years. They are a lot of work, but very durable. The challenge is finding a tree with optimally-sized growth rings. Then harvesting and pounding. I've tracked it, and I think 80-85% of making the basket is in harvesting and processing the tree into splints. The basket part is pretty straightforward. When someone here makes a pack basket out of reed or prepared splints, it takes half a day. When using ash and starting from a standing tree, it is 5-7 days.
I have a basket maker friend in Michigan who told me there, the trees are already gone from the borer. Sad.