Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Devon Olsen wrote:Makes me wonder how one could structure a decentralized market place for carbon sequestration, of I want to make and utilize biochar anyway, would it be advantageous for a company to pay me or a group of people like me for a certain tonnage produced and applied to soil per year...
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Mike Farmer wrote:A ton of biochar is....a lot. Yards and yards of biochar. So, I think it'll become a thing. It just might not be a super lucrative thing.
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
John Suavecito wrote:I'm thinking if you are a guy with acreage and kind of entrepreneurial, you could talk to some garden stores near your house and set up an arrangement. You make the biochar, crush and inoculate it and package it and the stores sell it. Gardening is a huge business in the US, and most gardeners would be just barely learning about biochar and not ready to make it. They might be willing to buy some. Then, afterwards, when they realize how expensive it is, some will realize that they could make their own.
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