I have a number of small food forests in three different climates. I own 14 acres and have the use of 2 acres at my parents house. There are 5 properties total, 3 in Puebla, 1 in Yucatan and one in Ontario Canada.
In Puebla we have one acre of 20 year old food forest consisting of Pears, Yellow Hawthorn(Tejocote), Peaches, Plumbs, Figs, Capuli Cherry, Mulberry, Walnut, Avacado and Citrus. The under story consists of Nopal (Optunia), Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Chaiote, Fig Leaf Squash, Runner Beans, Strawberries, Swiss Chard, Tomatillo, Epazote, Arnica, Oregano, Guasuntle and many others. I plan on establishing Potatoes in all the sunnier spots as well.
In Ontario I`m growing shorter term crops because I don`t own the
land, Its not a forest garden but it does have some trees. It is however fairly self sustaining and low maintenance. The perenials in use there are Rhubarb, Raspberries, Leeks, Garlic, Chives, Shallots, Sun-chokes, Comfrey and Currents they all grow mixed together on about 2 acres some things are lacking in some areas, more planting still needs to be done.
In Yucatan I`ve got
Dragon fruit, Sapote, Citrus, Chaya, Mango, tamarind, Star
Apple, Spanish lime(a fruit and a nut) Elephant Ear tree, Guava, Custard
apple, and lots more. The possibilities are endless in the tropics, and I still want to get more variety.
In total I have about 300 mature food trees, about 1500 immature food trees, and about 10000 perennial food plants (clumps) if you don`t count the raspberries in Ontario.