I know next to nothing about woodworking myself though I have helped carpenters build things.
I want to build 3 sided tunnels for my
rabbits ~15"long by 8" high by 8" across.
The exact dimensions are not critical though most cage doors are 12"x12" so they need to fit through that.
The rabbits would either lay in the tunnel or climb on top - these are for my weanlings less than 5 lbs.
This is a
project i want to do on my own without bothering my husband who has way too much to do already.
I found where I can get pieces of Baltic Birch the right size in 1/4" thickness.
My current plan is to use both glue and small screws to join the boards.
It looks like Titebond III
wood glue would work.
But I am stuck on the type and size of screw to use.
I am sure that I need to predrill holes so that the screws will go in straight and neat.
I plan to set the top on the sides, with glue, and then screw down into the sides.
I found some clamps that would help hold the boards together while doing this.
Okay, so, I am open to any and all suggestions including:
Can I use a good dremel to drill the screw holes?
Is there a small
enough screw that will do this?
Is there a better tool than a Dremel for this?
I don't mind if you tell me this absolutely won't work but please don't unless you really know it won't.
Preferably tell me if I need to adjust the plan. Is there a better wood?
Obviously, regular plywood cut into appropriate rectangles would work better but I don't
currently have a way to accomplish that.
I also would like these tunnels to be strong enough but not super heavy.
Thanks in advance for any help.