~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
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Jay Angler wrote:First off, I love working with Baltic Birch, particularly when aiming for light weight - I have hanging 3-seater nest boxes that I build out of it, and they've generally stood up well (except the one in a shelter that a tree fell on... the girls were *not* impressed).
1. Bunnies chew - I expect they will chew this box. I don't know how toxic or not the glue is that holds the wood layers together.
2. Even with a pilot hole, 1/4 inch isn't much wood. I would be inclined to use small, square strips of material on the inside to attach the sides together. That will reduce the size of the tunnel, but rabbits build round tunnels traditionally, so would "filling in the corners" be a problem? Half inch by half inch would do?
3. Alternatively, I would consider using brackets and hold the tunnels together with small machine screws. This would be more expensive than the option in #2.
4. I would make up a bit of a jig with heavier wood to hold the panels reasonably square while assembling them. Yes, no one's going to show up with a protractor to check, but I expect they will be a bit stronger if they're a square and less frustrating to build. The nest boxes I made were a struggle due to issues along these lines. Scraps of pallet wood could do the job, if you're in an area where they are free.
~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
Glenn Herbert wrote:I would say it depends on what you are stapling with. A construction-grade pneumatic/electric staple gun would probably have no problem, a homeowner type of stapler might not work.
~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. But it did make this tiny ad:
Willow Feeder movie