Appliance List
Space Heater
Water Heater
Air Conditioner/Dehumidifier
Grain Mill
Oil/Nut Mill
E-Bike (regular/cargo)
Would it be possible for you to share a bit more of your use-case such as electric production/usage/storage and time of usuage?
You could inprove the efficiency of the house by:
0) buy/use a smaller fridge/stove/appliance you will save more on electricity.
1) using plug that shutdown so that there isn't any phatom electric drain (good for stove/microwave/computers/etc)
2) shifting your time usage so that it better align with production e.g. do laundry at 12-noon (direct
solar) vs at 8pm (battery power)
3) using a sun-powered dehydrator vs an electric one, or using a
rocket stove or a solar cooker/GoSun Fusion vs electric/gas stove-oven
4) using a solar powered AC
5) It might make sense to spend an extra $2000 in solar panels vs a $2700 DC washer/etc, esp if you use the washer at 12-noon vs 8pm
6) cooking outside in the summer so that you don't have to turn on the vent or a fan/AC.
7) cook less and eat more raw/fermented/dehydrated food?
8) batch your fridge/stove/etc usuage. If you can somehow only open the fridge once or twice a day it would help or if you cook .....
9) It helps to only use a smaller "countertop 1cubic feet oven" vs a huge 8cubic foot oven if you are only cooking for 2-4 people most days.
10) You can unplug/disable all pilot light and just light with a match when it's needed
11) Getting a smaller fridge will save a ton of electricity,
alot of vegetables don't need to go in the fridge
12) I use the fridge less when I make my own kefir soda or yogurt/banana/kefir grain smoothie