A week ago-ish, I listened to podcast 059 and podcast 129. I listened to these because my journey is just beginning!
And I want to get off to a good start!
Here are some of the take-aways I had from listening to these two podcasts:
-costs decrease when you have more people sharing the costs
-things of good quality have a lower overall cost because the cost is spread out over the life of the item (i.e. a looong time)
-good quality items have the potential to be resold for full value when you are done with them
-track your expenses (what, when, where, and for how much) so that you can get an idea of the cycles in your life and the cycles around you
-retirement is when you aren't dependent on a job for money
-people can and do fulfilling lives without money or on little money
I enjoyed Jacob's humor near the end of podcast 059 when he said, "It is probably better that you stay at work and let your boss tell you what to do, if you don't know what you would do with yourself without a job." Ok, it isn't just funny; it it slightly sensible, too. If some people really have no clue, then it is probably safer for everyone that way.
But for many people, who do have an idea of what we want to do with ourselves, early
retirement extreme, community, and decreasing costs makes sense because it will allow us to have the freedom we need to do the stuff that we want to do.
I have mentioned, in passing, on the forum about a plan that I am laying out for getting myself on the path necessary to go where I want to in life. I'm still working it out. Perhaps, not so much, is it a plan but general guidelines. I don't know when or if I'll be sharing it online.
Returning to point: one relevant quote that I remember from some movie or show I saw a long time ago points something out, too: "People are born in boxes, live in boxes, and are ultimately buried in boxes." This seems to describe the "gray life" that Paul Wheaton refers to very these two podcasts and his recent post about
struggles. hurdles, and observation. This quote also shows what i want to avoid doing. I want to grow up to be one of those fun grandparents that takes their grandkids on adventures. And I also like how one of the grandparents in a novel I read maybe four years ago said she would rather die in the Amazon Basin with a strange disease than die lying in a hospital bed. I'm with her on that!
I want to work hard & smart and live life how I see fit, not how others see fit!
Seeing from how one of my older siblings has so many boxes that get packed and repacked for college. I think a good immediate goal for me is to NOT to do that. Since I'm going far up north for college, I have a practical reason to keep my "stuff" to a minimum. Also, in retrospect, when I look at the room I live in right now, I imagine I could be quite content with a house the size of my bedroom which I guess to be maybe 12' by 12' . If it was a circle, I think it would feel nicer.