Hi Ned;
When I built our raised bed hugles, I started by digging 2' deep in the soil below where I planned on our raised beds.
I filled the lowest part with slightly rotted large split
firewood chunks.
Then I built the box over that.
Next, I did not do this... but I recommend, stapling 1/4" hardware cloth (rabbit wire) around the bottom edge of your box.
I suggest apx 1' of wire from your box edge down into the soil. This will help deter rodents from moving into your hugle.
Next, I added branches and leaves, then a layer of dirt, then more woody debris then more dirt. At the top, I added the compost and topsoil.
In the first season, you will not see much of a difference from a standard raised bed.
Starting with the second season and improving every year after that your
wood will break down, hold moisture, and supply nutrients.
You will see the soil level lower each new season as the wood decomposes, simply add more compost and soil on top.
I have two more hugle beds that I hope to get built this spring, giving us 6 raised boxes, a huge improvement for aging gardeners who no longer want to crawl around on their knees.
The only detriment that we have discovered is our outside cats... they think that while empty during the winter raised beds make superb litter boxes!
A roll of
chicken wire tacked over top during the winter months will put a stop to that!
Cattle panels can be arched over each box to allow for climbing vines or flowers.
Plastic can be draped over the arches to provide frost protection at the end of the growing season.