Jeremy VanGelder wrote: At another house we set a piece of culvert on end above the access to the tank, then put a lid on the culvert. That way we don't have to dig it all up every time the inlet to the tank gets plugged.
That's what I was hoping to do, but our tank is an old, homemade design. Sturdy as hell, but it's opening is four feet across. I can't find any culvert
local that would fit that. Expense and weight were starting to get up there as well unfortunately...
I do like the suggestion about strawberries. I've been trying to decide where I'd put some, so that might work.
I am eager to plant both Jerusalem artichokes and walking onions. I'm curious - how quickly do they spread? Will they take over a patch that size within a season if there are plants surrounding it? Do those two plants grow well together? Like if I just wanted to plant one on each side or intersperse them?
I have zero
experience with bulbs, though I have been wanting to get into them more. How delicate are they when being dug up? If I dig out the dirt 12 inches deep and just toss it back on a few days later (while the bulbs are dormant), will they reestablish themselves? Or do I need to go through it by hand searching for the bulbs and replanting them?
Anne Miller wrote: Most folks don't recommend edible in the septic area.
I was thinking about this. The bed is over our tank though - not the drain field. Our tank is really tall , so the roots would have to go probably 4-5 feet down to get into the effluent in the tank. I don't think I'm too worried about it as long as I'm not growing anything with roots that will go searching that far. If I start to notice a leak or smells or anything like that I would definitely stop harvesting immediately though.
I not rushing the decision right now since the area is still dug up. I'm pretty sure any of the recommendations would need to be planted while dormant anyways, so it'll probably just get mulched over until it cools down later this year. If anyone has more recommendations I'd love to hear them!