I have several persimmon seeds sprouting in 2021. Three years later, two of them that I kept grew to 6 ft tall and flower buds are showing up. Is it normal for seedling persimmons to start bearing so young?
I am wondering if the early bearing has to do with past restriction on the barks. Last year I planted cypress vines near the
trees and they climb up the trunks and left marks after the vines were removed. Cincturing or girdling is a common technique in commercial fruit crops such as grape, mango, jujube, lichi and persimmon. Done after flowering, it prevents carbohydrates from going to the
roots and increase fruit seeing and yields. I read about people tying wire around the trunk to make dwarf tree so that's the same mechanism as vine strangling.
I'd be happy to if my persimmons stay small but productive. Has any one tried growing dwarf fruit tree by cincturing on purpose?