We do yardwork for a friend here in town. Most is maintaining already established
perennial plantings and then filling two large raised beds (3' tall) with flowers and greens.
The challenging areas are those ground level beds near
trees where the fine tree
roots grow up into that soil making it difficult to establish things.
Lemon balm is doing ok there and orris
root iris, some valerian, but other than that things don't thrive.
I've tried thyme and oregano, strawberries...a few other things and they soon die.
Bugle weed looks like it's going to make it.
I'm looking for more perennials mostly that might spread.
It's semi shady as is most of the
What do folks do when establishing a 'forest garden' or any garden areas near large trees?
I think additional soil would only be infiltrated by roots in time also?
We aren't going to be using
cardboard or any other weed barriers.
I'm there about once a week so things do get watered until established but I think the tree roots are using more
water and nutrients than I can keep up with.