Joe, I raise anywhere from 1 to 5 piglets at a time. It all depends upon what the sow had and how many weaned piglets I
sell to other homesteaders.
My piglets are raised on pasture and supplemented with Mom's Famous Slop & Glop, my own mixture of cooked swill. They also get a small amount of commercial feed that gets given to me (broken or returned bags from various stores that were otherwise heading to the dump). I'm not above utilizing waste stream items. Some may contain GM corn, but I'm not such a purist to avoid feeding a little to the piglets. The feed is free, and that's totally fine with me.
The young piglets start out in a small pen 16' by 16' so that I can watch them closely and tame them down. The pen is portable , made out of
cattle panels, so I can move it to a new location if them eat or trample all the grass. When the piglets have learned to come to me when called for swill and allow me to brush their backs, I release them into a larger 150' by 150' pen. I have 3 of these pens and can rotate the piglets through them as needed to keep the grasses young and nutritious. These pastures are growing a variety of grasses and other plants. Over time I have removed any plants that they refuse to eat.
In addition to pasture, they are offered swill. Always well cooked. I cook everything except the little commercial feed I use. The reason for cooking is threefold. Cooking improves the flavor. Things they won't eat raw they will eat when cooked. Cooking improves digestibility, so they get more nutrition out of the foods. Most importantly, cooking prevents parasites and diseases. Since some of the foods are foraged or given to me as kitchen scraps and leftover food, I could introduce problems if the food wasn't cooked to kill the pathogens. Since the piglets do get meat scraps in the swill, boiling the meat tainted items is really important.
Pasture is available 24 hours a day. Mom's Famous Slop & Glop (a.k.a.- swill) is offered 2 to 3 times a day. I only give them what they will clean up at the meal so that the rest doesn't go bad, get moldy, or smell.
Most swill ingredients come right off the farm. Some is waste from my gardens. Blemished vegetables. Leaves from edible plants. Some ingredients are crops grown specifically to feed them. Pumpkins. Pipinolas. Sugar cane. Sweet potatoes. Bananas. Plus others. I also forage fruits that other landowners don't want, such as common mangoes, macadamia nuts, guavas, lilikoi, etc. I also get restaurant waste and kitchen waste, all of which MUST be cooked and handled in a way not to contaminate the rest of the feed,
My piglets are raised for home consumption only. I do not commercially sell the meat. I slaughter them any where from 45 lbs to 125 lbs in weight because that is the size I can handle.