Here is a post from another source. This is from a group called
Carbon Conscious on
facebook. I believe that they are commercial producers of
biochar. They admitted that their definition was controversial. I respectfully disagreed with them.
John S
Opinions vary widely on this topic which creates a lot of confusion.
For this reason we would like to elaborate on what we at Carbon Conscious Creations consider to be biochar and the reasons why we chose these specific criteria.
-First of all biochar is FULLY CARBONISED biomass, in our opinion this means that the material has been produced at a temperature exceeding at the very least 650°C but preferably more in the 750°-900°C range.
Some people would argue that lower temperature materials are also biochar and many studies include "biochars" made at temperatures as low as 350°C. Such materials are not fully carbonised and contain a substantial amount of remaining volatiles.
Please be aware that a lot of relatively low temperature materials are being sold as biochar these days because conventional charcoal producers are jumping on the biochar bandwagon in an attempt to unload the fine materials (which are too small to be sold as charcoal for grilling) upon unsuspecting customers.
This is one of the many reasons why we encourage people to produce their own biochar or alternatively purchase it from small
local producers that make high quality, high temperature biochar from the most appropriate feedstock for your intended application.
Especially the local aspect is very important here because once we start transporting biochar over large distances we negate one of the major benefits of biochar and that is the reduction of atmospheric CO2 levels.
-Secondly biochar is material that has been CRUSHED TO THE APPROPRIATE SIZE for the intended application.
Particle size is something which once applied into the soil doesn't change very quickly. It would take nature a very long time to break up large chunks of biochar into a finer consistency.
Large chunks are a lot less effective on multiple fronts due to the much lower external surface area. Aside from that they have the risk of floating to the surface of the soil where the material serves no function because BIOCHAR IS NOT MULCH!
Instead of relying on nature to break up the material we must crush it ourselves to the appropriate size prior to application, especially in the Mediterranean region where Carbon Conscious Creations is based because we do not have a freeze-thaw cycle which would aid in breaking up the char over time.
The appropriate size depends on various factors such as the existing soil type and what kind of crop is going to be planted. Vegetable farming for example requires a different particle size range than a fruit orchard for example.
Biochar can also be used in
water filtration systems, either to purify water intended for consumption or in grey water filtration systems.
Unfortunately there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to biochar and that is why we offer various grades of biochar, ranging from finely ground up to gravel sized.
-The topic of loading the biochar with nutrients and biology is possibly the most controversial and many people would argue that the "bio" in biochar stands for biology and claim that prior to the loading with nutrients and biology the material is just charcoal.
We do not agree with this notion and in our opinion biochar DOES NOT NEED TO BE LOADED WITH NUTRIENTS AND/OR BIOLOGY prior to application for the material to be considered to be biochar.
Here is why: loading the biochar with nutrients and biology is something that is very easy to do in-situ once the biochar has been incorporated into the soil. Loading the biochar in-situ with liquid fertilisers and/or biological inoculants removes logistical complications which saves a lot of time and effort, especially for large scale applications.
Even if we would not load the biochar after applying it ourselves we can not avoid nutrients and biology from ending up in the biochar within a relatively short timeframe compared to its lifespan. For this reason we don't consider the pre-loading of the biochar prior to application to the soil to be essential.
Having said that we do recommend raw biochar to either be mixed into the soil together with HIGH QUALITY
COMPOST or that the mixing of the raw biochar into the soil is followed by LIQUID FERTILISERS and/or BIOLOGICAL INOCULANTS.
BEST PRACTICE however would be to add the raw biochar to a compost pile or to use it as a
feed additive for livestock. With both these methods the biochar increases the process' efficiency and gets loaded with nutrient and biology at the same time. One major downside however is that these methods do not scale very well and are thus less practical if one needs to cover a large area.
-Lastly we would like to stress that biochar
should first and foremost be made from LOCALLY SOURCED-UNCONTAMINATED-LOW VALUE-WASTE BIOMASS such as tree prunings, dry weeds, untreated timber offcuts, dry crop waste etc.
Not from for example
coffee grounds which can already be used as a soil amendment just as they are without any processing.
The intended application also determines which feedstock is suitable or not. Hardwoods for example result in biochar with a lower water holding capacity and more importantly a lower plant available water content. This makes them less suitable for field applications.
Hardwood biochar however is more suitable for filtration applications due to their higher density.