I get good
hot water from
solar thermal in the daytime...but I need to wash my hands clean after doing the animals in the mornings before the sun has much of a chance to heat my
water system, at least in the cold season. (It loses 10-20 degrees overnight, in spite of the avertized "one degree loss per day," not from back thermosiphoning but just from the fact that the pipes going in and out of the tank conduct heat out of the tank and back into the world.
I would love to store a bit of really nice
hot water from the night before to use in the morning, and really have a quick, tiny amount of hot water at the ready with a hands-free spigot that will dribble that water onto my dirty hands..
At some point it might be less
energy spent just to use a spurt of rubbing alcohol to sanitize.
Is there such a thing as a truly good thermos with a spigot?
Is there a better solution I'm not thinking of?
I would take an electrically heated thermos as a second choice, it's better than using the electric supplement for the whole 100-gallon tank.