Yeah it's just me. I'm "something" of a hermit I guess. I moved here about six years ago with a boyfriend, he immediately turned to a husband, then a stranger. Divorce not final yet but soon. We've been separated for years now, long
enough we're more friendly than not at this point but we aren't friends(everything is "settled" but not fully legally detangled). No kids, no family. I know my neighbors out at the road and they're real kind folks. An
online friend had an online friend about 10 miles away, so I have gotten to know him a bit over the past year or so but he's a busy guy with a job a wife and four kids under 10 so they aren't able to stop by more than once every few months usually. Not ideal, but a lot better than some of the other situations I've been in lol. Lonely is better than with the wrong people around yikes. But no help for anything. I can get supplies delivered so not actually "no help" but no help with the farm tasks.
And I've tried getting clever about it too lol trying to
sell extra critters not for money but for work done on the farm. No takers, so I remain the only one who works at my projects list. Oh well. It's peaceful and I get by just fine. Very proud of everything I've built here, more so than anything else I've ever done.
I don't have a way to hook and hang the pig, and I don't have a .22. hoping to get that by the time I do the other two, but for this one I'm going to have a task ahead of me for sure. The largest critter I've done before this was a real fat dwarf goat, and that was just a rough job chopping her into chunks for the dogs(she was old old and I didn't want the meat for myself). I've got a 9mm pistol I was thinking to use for the job. Hanging I was thinking about maybe chains in a tree. And doing primal cuts before aging potentially. Then I could use a couple of smaller coolers instead of trying to find one big enough for the whole pig. Weather is too much back and forth to hope for chilly days.
I have an old non working freezer that I use to keep rodents out of my
feed grain and I was planning to use that as a surface to work on potentially. Probably will put down a tarp and a bowl of milk to get the pig still and then try for the shot. Hopefully I don't miss, he isn't a mean pig or anything like that and deserves a quick end. Hoping to collect at least some of the blood to try and dry it and use in the garden maybe.
Definitely looking forward to delicious pork 🤤 sausage, jerkey, roasts, etc etc etc oh man.... And Mr Bacon isn't the only meat going up soon. I've got about a dozen young muskovies ready to go, ten old hens ready for soup season, two young goats, two old guineas, and maybe two
rabbits. Going to be eating good this winter for sure